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VB6 ( Visual Basic 6) Running Slow on Windows 7 (win7)

I found this problem on my machine after few days of installation of windows 7. I searched on google to find the solutions for this problem.
problem was that when i use to drag any kind of control from one place to another.  vb6 form designer used to respond very slow while dragging controls. All other operations were working fine with me. Then i found a solution to overcome this problem. Now i decided to share it to the world of programmers. I hope it willl help several people across the globe.
To solve this issue just Right click on the vb6 application in start menu and open its properties.

Then on in properties dialogue box go to compatibility tab and Check two check boxes that are highlighted in the image below. Then Press Apply Button.

After performing above operation. I ran vb6. It was working normally as per windows xp. Drag drop operation was being performed smoothly.

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  1. Thanx you!!!
    I been looking for a solution for this problem for 3 days now!

  2. Thanks for sharing its working !

  3. Thanks, googling for hours for just this simple solution

  4. please share the post to help others as well. Thanks

  5. It's awesome, we have wast lots of time for this delay. thanks sir...

  6. thanqqqqqq... its working....

  7. i am facing problem in windows xp only..can plz help anyone to solve this problem....
